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tpaschalis boosted

@Quinnypig Kubernetes is the Greek word for infrastructure toil

tpaschalis boosted

Fun random fact: the sample rate of Audio CD format is 44100Hz. The Nyquist frequency for audible sound is roughly double the upper limit of human hearing, which is 20kHz.

So why is the CDDA sample rate more than 40kHz, but only a little bit more?

The prime factorization of 44100 is 2^2•3^2•5^2•7^2, which gives a LOT of options for computationally cheap downsampling and playback speed reduction. 😁

Edit: See replies for more reasons this sample rate was chosen! 💙

#math #electronics #audio

tpaschalis boosted
tpaschalis boosted

Ideally, I'd like to see libc get ported to another more sane programming language, but that take would get me pilloried by neckbeards that insist that C is possible to write safely.

At least I don't have to be pager bitch for THIS time when the entire internet broke due to C.

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tpaschalis boosted

Is it less bad here than on Shitter? Of course.

Is it non-existent? Nope.

Delete, and move on.

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tpaschalis boosted

PSA: some people have inane takes on the most fundamental of topics. Some see it as a chance to shoehorn A Topic In The News onto their own lived experience to the point of losing any direct relation with The Topic. Some might even be on your local instance.

Some might be baiting. Some might simply be unaware. Some might simply be wrong

Delete that reply you wrote and move on. If it annoys you some time later, just mute the person for a week or eternity when you next see them

Life's too short

tpaschalis boosted

Oh, and if you wanna know the secret to surviving air travel; after you get where you're going, take off your shoes and your socks then walk around on the rug bare foot and make fists with your toes. 😂

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Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎄
Best of wishes to your families and loved ones!

tpaschalis boosted

I used shelter via f-droid and that worked. Thanks for the suggestions!

First time in my life using #WhatsApp and it's a cesspool of dark patterns, forced "consent", and deliberate lies. I expected it to be bad, and it still managed to negatively surprise me.

Good thing I won't have to touch it again after this.

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tpaschalis boosted
tpaschalis boosted

Multifactor auth factors:
* something you are
* something you have
* something you know
* something you feel
* something that has been revealed to you
* something always known, but not by the conscious mind
* something hidden in the space between moments
* something dreamed about, unremembered

tpaschalis boosted

It's been 0 days since someone asked "hey you work with computers, do you know how to install Windows?"

tpaschalis boosted

I posted to my desultory blog the transcript of a talk I gave in 2009 inside Google, mostly because someone recently asked me to, feeling the message needs reinforcing.

tpaschalis boosted

First time in Miami and excited about a virgin voyages cruise

Recounting all the computers I've ever used:

- Family Pentium 4 desktop — learned GW Basic (don't ask it's what the library had 😂) tried to Hackintosh
- Government-subsidy Pentium D desktop — learned C++, Python, dual boot Ubuntu
- Dell Inspiron i3 — bought mainly with carol money, nearly got me through uni, deployed my first web app
- Government-subsidy Celeron w/2GB of RAM — forced me to use Vim+LaTeX
- Employer-owned Carbon X
- Employer-owned Intel MacBook Pro
- Employer-owned M1 MacBook

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Working at an internet café means I've probably built/taken a screwdriver to at least a couple hundred of PCs during my uni years..

It's weird to realize I'm now just building the first one ever for myself 😅

tpaschalis boosted

have you ever bent light with your fingertips?

pinch your thumb & forefinger together, do the same on the other hand, bring them together, where all four digits touch there’s a tiny hole

bring your hands up to your eyes, and make the hole as small as you can & things far away will now be in focus

congratulations: you have diffracted light using only your hands

tpaschalis boosted

I don’t know if any time of my life has blurred together more than the last four years

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!