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tpaschalis boosted
tpaschalis boosted

Multifactor auth factors:
* something you are
* something you have
* something you know
* something you feel
* something that has been revealed to you
* something always known, but not by the conscious mind
* something hidden in the space between moments
* something dreamed about, unremembered

tpaschalis boosted

It's been 0 days since someone asked "hey you work with computers, do you know how to install Windows?"

tpaschalis boosted

I posted to my desultory blog the transcript of a talk I gave in 2009 inside Google, mostly because someone recently asked me to, feeling the message needs reinforcing.

tpaschalis boosted

First time in Miami and excited about a virgin voyages cruise

Recounting all the computers I've ever used:

- Family Pentium 4 desktop — learned GW Basic (don't ask it's what the library had 😂) tried to Hackintosh
- Government-subsidy Pentium D desktop — learned C++, Python, dual boot Ubuntu
- Dell Inspiron i3 — bought mainly with carol money, nearly got me through uni, deployed my first web app
- Government-subsidy Celeron w/2GB of RAM — forced me to use Vim+LaTeX
- Employer-owned Carbon X
- Employer-owned Intel MacBook Pro
- Employer-owned M1 MacBook

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Working at an internet café means I've probably built/taken a screwdriver to at least a couple hundred of PCs during my uni years..

It's weird to realize I'm now just building the first one ever for myself 😅

tpaschalis boosted

have you ever bent light with your fingertips?

pinch your thumb & forefinger together, do the same on the other hand, bring them together, where all four digits touch there’s a tiny hole

bring your hands up to your eyes, and make the hole as small as you can & things far away will now be in focus

congratulations: you have diffracted light using only your hands

tpaschalis boosted

I don’t know if any time of my life has blurred together more than the last four years

tpaschalis boosted

My talk from last week’s Observability Day is up:
“How Prometheus Halved Its Memory Usage.”
It’s a thrill ride.

The secret to ensuring long-term employee retention? Filter for people with LaTeX CVs.

After a couple of years, the effort of setting up multiple gigabytes of texlive packages and digging up arcane docs to update their résumé is simply not worth it.

tpaschalis boosted

The Forbes 30 doing 30-to-life now includes SBF and Elizabeth Holmes.

tpaschalis boosted
tpaschalis boosted
tpaschalis boosted

the HTTP2 rapid reset issue reveals that Go has it's own dependency hell... declares which version of it's using, and so it's not just "update" in your application and you're safe, it's also "update GRPC in your application"... and of course this is now "update every module that uses GRPC and refers to an older version" which is now a huge sprawling mess of modules.

it's all fine saying that Go is always backwards compatible and doesn't require older versions to have updated, etc... but the reality of it is that security issues kick you in the teeth hard and the cascade of dependencies require you to update virtually everything anyway. it would be better to embrace "update everything all the time" then to have an illusion of "you only need to update your thing and not worry about other things" as the latter means you have no muscle memory or build tooling ready when you actually need to update all the things.

I like Go a lot, but I don't find the dependency / updates / supportability philosophy that they've taken on to be internally consistent or truly viable long-term, I've always held that they're smarter than I and implicitly this means I'm probably wrong, but as time passes I'm not so sure I'm wrong (I am sure they're smarter than I am though).

tpaschalis boosted
tpaschalis boosted
tpaschalis boosted
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